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Thursday morning message
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Added Apr 23, 2020
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good morning room 10 today is Thursday April 22nd today and Matthew are going to be doing your chapter review / test so today as if it were a test that you were having in class I want you to try and answer all the problems that you can once you're done you can have your parents correct the test and they can go over any problems that you had trouble with or that you need to review today in science you're going to be watching a mystery science that I think everyone's going to like and it's called why are baby animals so cute today and reading language arts we are going to begin writing our all about now yesterday I showed you how I took a scrap piece of paper and I sold it at four times to have four different boxes so this is going to be like I said this is your notes that you're going to start today and I'm going to show you what I did and how you should start taking notes so if you remember from yesterday I have four different areas that I found a lot of information on these are going to be Thai my heading now in my headings the first one I have is insect vs spider spider webs types of spiders sorry and how do spiders protect themselves now these big ideas that are going to become my head and in my writing I'm going to vent add details to any details over here are going to be my what are we don't going to become my sentences in infant versus spider going to write sentences about the parts of a spider's body parts of an insect body and spider classification and types of spiders I'm going to write about the spider I found to be the most interesting so I'm going information about black widow spiders tarantulas and water spiders over here on this side where I have spider webs I'm going to write how do spiders spin webs why spiders spin and types of webs and then my last box I have how do spiders protect themselves and I'm going to write about how they camouflage how they use their web other spider defenses now these details that are underneath my big ideas are going to become my sentences so in your all about this big idea is going to be a heading for a paragraph Sundays are going to be details that you write about your writing so this is what I want you to do today tomorrow I'm going to talk about your introduction and how you can hook your reader when you hook your reader you get them interested and wanting to read your all about I'm also going to talk about how you can wrap up your conclusion to your all about I'm also going to talk about the different text features that you're all about can have such as bull text pictures captions diagrams so today this is what you're going to do this is how you're going to this is what you're going to do in your writing and then tomorrow you are going to share this with me on foot so I'm really excited to see what you all right I hope you have a wonderful Thursday afternoon and I will see you tomorrow
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