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Montemalaga Eagles Soar - Spread Kindness, Observe Safety, Act Responsibly, Respect Yourself and Others!
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Soaring News March 2019
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Added Mar 27, 2019
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Rainbow Dash and Soarin is I'm Emma and Julie Gonzalez and I'm Leah and today is a great day to share some montemalaga stories with you first we have a guy giving us some history on dr. Seuss and his birthday was recently on March 2nd take it away hi my name is Louisa I'm sure you've heard of Doctor Seuss you know the author of green eggs and ham indicator of The Cat in the Hat well just recently celebrated the birthday of this amazing author Theodor Seuss Geisel was born on March 2nd 1904 Hebrew in Illustrated 48 children's book under the name dr. Seuss some of his most popular books are the Places You'll Go One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish and How the Grinch Stole Christmas the children around the world of the books dr. Seuss wrote thank you. Back to the studio I used to love the books I didn't know much about the author doctors this next is the Fun Run story that we promised you so REI tell us not the fun run into popsicles in the nice and refreshing water kept me going when it's winter whole school does it run and they go around their htrac they sell shirts and this year's designer is Zachary boss congratulations. I personally like the muscular Monte here are some statistics on the Fun Run full story $16,000 for the school to help with technology and programs three tracks and students read her planted 25 minutes warmed up by electric kids the class with the greatest participation of donation with Mr world class the class with the highest amount of donations statute graduation to those classes what's the fastest kid in the class got to take us DJ song from during PE thank you now back to the studio Sylvia how many laps did you go I got 85 well that's cool our next story is Pi Day or the day all about Pi nope I like 3.1415926535 11195 909 shall I keep on going tell Kara why don't you tell us about pie de Silvia can keep up does anybody know what time it is how to make hair with braided and talk about Pi Day so what did you guys do on Ty day went to the library and did centers centers craft Minecraft what was your favorite part my favorite part is where we got in a decagon okay how many digits do you know of Pi 3.14159 how many dates do you know that's a lot now back to the studio so, I know so many digits of pi 3.141592653589793 to 3/8 you're reading off your card seriously and what are those an x-ray is about the Multicultural Festival hi this is Malia coming from sewing is once again talking about the Multicultural Festival the Multicultural Festival was on March 15th the Multicultural Festival is where I'm how to students preformed answers from all around the world this year we had a Korea Hawaii India China and many more countries perform including America show me a Vibe on student council members preformed to dance representing America I really like the Multicultural festival and I thought all of the performances were really good thank you back to the studio I love seeing everyone's dances I hope you remembered to wear green on March 17th do you know why it was Saint Patrick's day he was Eliza telling us about Saint Patrick's Day hi my name is Eliza I'm sure you're wondering why we celebrate Saint Patrick's Day well it was originally celebrated as a religious service and Feast Day to Remember st. Patrick now I'm sure you're wondering who was Saint Paul well he was born in Roman Britain in the late fourth Century you are sadly kidnapped at the age 16 and taken to Ireland as a slave he escaped and returned to convert the Irish into Christianity now it is also celebrated as a non religious holiday guess how we celebrate by doing all things green thank you now that's a CDL science night was on Wednesday March 20th many students made science about their science experiment students thought interactive features stations featuring The Marine Mammal Center Point Vicente interpretive Center and more students learn how to code with code ninjas Explorer optical illusion math science undiscovered robotic robots with robotic thank you to everyone who supported this event read Across America provides members parents and caregivers the children and children the reason is an activity they need to keep reading on the calendar 365 days a year my name is Ari and I'm going to be telling you about read Across America and cities and towns Across the Nation many people develop read across America activities to bring reading excitement to children and bring them Joy fun fact the kids who do this program become very successful and are most likely to be very smart but most people act when did it start it start anime 1977 when a group of people said why don't we have a program to get kids excited about reading we have so many other programs to get kids excited about other things so they decided to put it on a famous author dr. Seuss's birthday the next March 2nd they had a lot of people doing it they had a big party and celebration to the first-ever read Across America to tradition thank you now back to the studio make sure to stay tuned for next month. don't forget about spring break well that was all for today Doreen up
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