10 Most Beautiful Butterflies
Shows unusual butterflies
Metamorphosis: Caterpillar to Butterfly
Facts on Metamorphosis
The Amazing Monarch Butterfly!
Facts on the Monarch
Butterfly: A Life Begins
This shows a caterpillar being born and then, going through metamorphosis to turn into a butterfly.
Math Lesson for Friday, May 1
Kindergarten Math Lesson on Measuring
Math Lesson for Thursday, April 30
Lesson comparing lengths
Math Lesson for Wednesday, April 29
On length
Math lesson for Tuesday, April 28
Lesson on using a number line with numbers 1-15.
Math Lesson for Monday, April 27
Lesson using a number train from 0-20 to figure out how many more and less.
A Georgia O' Keeffe inspired Art Lesson
This video teaches kids how to make a large flower painting.
Georgia O'Keeffe's Paintings
A presentation of Georgia O' Keefe's Flower Paintings
The Georgia O'Keeffe Story
A story about Georgia O' Keeffe's life!
Composing and Decomposing Numbers
Use 5 frames and 10 frames to compose and decompose numbers.