Montemalaga Elementary

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Montemalaga Eagles Soar - Spread Kindness, Observe Safety, Act Responsibly, Respect Yourself and Others!

Back to School Reminders





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Back To School Important Dates and Reminders




Back to School Registration for 2024 
Back to School Registration packets are now available:
Click here for instructions and next steps OR visit the PVPUSD website at  


Mark your calendar  

-New Family, TK and Kindergarten Summer Get Together - Monday, August 19th from  3:30pm to 4:30pm 


-Optional Supply Drop Off on Tuesday, August 20 from 10:30am-12:30pm: Please bring your school supplies in a bag or box to the front of the school, CLEARLY LABELED with your child’s name and their TEACHER’S NAME  


-First day of school is August 21st, a minimum day:  TK - 5th grade 8:30 - 12:00 noon  


-Back to School Parent Coffee - August 21st 8:30 am in the MPR  


-No School Labor Day - September 2nd 


- Picture Day - Wednesday, September 4th  


-Back to School Night - Thursday, September 5th - Schedule TBD 


-Minimum Day - September 6th - TK - 5th grade 8:30 - 12:00 noon  




District School Calendar 

PVPUSD Student Calendar is available here


Drop off and Pick up Procedures  

Our "Traffic Flow Map" and "Drop off and Pick up Guidelines" are available here.   


Before School Supervision   

- Before School Supervision is available 8:15-8:30 AM  

- Children should not arrive at school before 8:15 AM  

- TK and Kindergarten students report to the Kindergarten Yard  

- 1st – 5th Grade students report to the lower playground   


Lunch Program  

The district is pleased to offer FREE breakfast and lunch to all students! This program will run throughout the 2024-2025 school year at all K-12 school sites.  Breakfast will be offered during recess. Lunch will be served in the cafeteria during lunchtime. Click here to download the August & September lunch menu  

School Supplies  

Montemalaga Grades 1-5 school supply lists are available here.     


Student Handbook  

Please download and review the 2024-2025 Montemalaga Student Handbook at--------with your children. Be sure to print, sign and return the signature page to your classroom teacher by Friday, August 30, 2024.  


Parent Handbook  

Please review the parent handbook on our school’s website at 


We are looking forward to another outstanding year!